George Town Hights
Aug 3th 1864
Friend Silvanus
I now seat my self to pen a few lines to you to let you know that I am well at present and hope these few lines will find you the same I have wrote four letters to you and have got no answer I have began to think that you have disserted old Lowell I expected to hear from you before this I sent some money to you and have not heard whether you got it or not but I should hope you have and I may get it before you get this if you have received the money that I sent you and have not sent the money that I sent for pleas send it immediately I feel anxious to hear whether you received it or not give my best respecks to all the folks
Geo A Baily
direct 2 Div
19 Army Corps
Washington DC
write soon
direct to
2 Div 19 army Corps
Washington DC