Newiberier Dec 2th 1863
Friend Silvanus
I now take my pen in hand to pen you a few lines to let you know that I am well at presant and hope you are the same I have not wrote to you for some time for I have not had a chance to We marched up as far as Opelousas one hundred miles from Brashier City but we have come back fifty miles so we are half way from Brashier City to Opelousas I think we will stop here for some time the way we have done is to stop at a place a week or so as long as there was any Corn, Cattle and other things to feed the army when that got plaied out we would march from fifteen to twenty five miles further and do the same We would go wright into a mans dore yard and take his poltry pigs if he said anything up and knock him down that is all the satisfaction he would get if the Rebs would come into Mass and do so the folks would begin to think what war is they do no know what war is now I sent you twenty dollars about a fortnight ago and I shall send you some more next payday you can do just as you are amine to with it put it in the Bank or keep it but do not let anybody know that I have sent you any money Charles or anybody else Jack is in good health I do not think of any news to write you so I must draw my letter to a close so good bye and pleas excuse all mistakes and give my respecks to all the folks and consider from
George Bailey
if you can read this you can do well direct your letters to New Orleans untill your hear diferant tell me how all the girls are in old Andover