20th Jan. Opp. Fredburg
Frosty + unpleasant + sun absent +
signs of snow- Drilled A.M. + P.M.
Had orderts to be ready at an early horn
tomorrow – Dreps Parade- Sen. Bods.
orders read- saying we should soon meet
the Enemy again- About 9 P.M. had
orders to form line at 3 A.M.
Drew today 1 Ds. Rtn. Salt Beef S.G+H.N.
[ ] raining 6 P.M.
Franklin+ Hookers (Din?)moving to the right
21st Called at 2- ready to form line at 3am
raining with strong N.E. wind
About 4 a.m. had orders to be ready at a
minutes notice0 Rain continued all day
-Know nothing of the other Grand Divs.
– Monday it was reported that we had the
preparations made for bridges both to the
Drew 1ds. Rtn. C.S. HB. + Salt Beef-
Read letter from Mrs. Perry- Answered it
Thirty Two Years old Today
22nd– Rain continued till after noon
-Heard from Hooker+Franklin that they are
608 miles north East of us- (pontoon’s?)stuck
in the mud + no prospect of making any
move across the river- Dab of. [ ]
-Drew/ds.etn. S.G.HB. Pork + Whisky
-Lt.Rd. sent in quarterly setting of muskets
– [ ] G in on hands. 13 returned to Gd.
7 with Jewel nd Houghton– I lost by Beers-
15- 3 deserters and 2 unaccounted for for- lost by Capt.
3- have been turned our this month
Sent #25 to Mary- Rain ceased about noon
-But sun not out
23rd Rain over but cloudy-
Read. letter from J.R.- Nothing new
only that the forward movement is de-
layed. – Drew 1 ds. est. G.S.HB. + meat
Boys playing ball- man in GRA sat on a barrel
24th Cloudy- Artillery enemy back
Drew 1 ds. rtn. G.S.HB. Fresh. meat. 2 ds. ets.
beans-20 lbs. Dried apples. – no drills
Read letter from Mary(20th) + from D.M Rd
burn –