23rd Dec. App. Fredbg.
(Dee?) to the Engs. acct. the Pontoon train
was all here by the 23rd of Nov. 340
boats in all. The bridge at (Boston?)
was thrown across in a day (63 boats) –
remained till ordered here– Came from
Wash. on land to (Oecognan?) then
to mind, it was launched + lowered to
Bell Plain. 19 Boats across the (raft?).
60 prisoners taken by our men at (Court.?)
Inspection by Gens. Summer + Wilcol
Balloon went up. Law ord. Bup + Depton
of 15th They were in the fright but 606
lost none.
Boats came. I got pants, drawers
paper + envelopes. Stocking + gloves with
in Cap. (Boynton’s?) boat.
Drew 1ds. ration Fresh beef- 2ds. G.S.+H.B.
2 days beans 1 ½ rice- 2 galls. Vinegar 1 of (mollasses?)
24th Lent in carpet bag- part of the
strings that came in a boat to Capt. Bailey Bolt
by Rev. Mr. Cushing
24th Dec. Opp. Fredburg.
Pleasant Day + Made new (?) chest.
Christmas eve
25th warm + pleasant –
Had baked beans + soup for breakfast
Church Howe- Dr. off of May. (?). (?)
staff (mayor) was in tent
Drew. 3 days rations HB. Sugar, coffee
Pork + rice- about a half bushel of onions
+ 30 (ada…?) candles.
Martini, Coughlin+ J. Flag in (?) for
being absent for Roll call without leave.
M. H. Flag sent to hospital. Took hand off the 3 men
heard something that was said to be (?) off
towards Shot. C.H. about 8P.M.
26th Drew 2 days rations beans.
Policed camp. Made new (s..?) 6oz
B + G. have one together. Sent wires
for clothing (33prs. pants 40 (?))
William cut 30 sticks for new hut.
Finished mending socks.