9th Jan. Opp. Fredbg.
During the day, one of the 45th Pen. + one of
The R. battery men went across the river
in a boat, exchanged papers with the
[ ] picket + on this way back. The
boat upsetting(?) and they were drowned.
– LA. Rol. returned to camp sick
– Guns not loaded- nothing impt.
Balloon up –
10th Returned to camp through
the woods- A few boxes came to
our 6 0/1 – Rain com. About noon
Read letter from M. Sawyer of the
5th mist.(?). No drills in P.M. or dep. Par.
Drew day R.S.6.+ one of Pork – to 12th
11th Sunday- Pleasant but mud
-dy- (?)
12th Pleasant- ground
frozen during night is
very sticky- I Drilled the 60/11
in A.M.- No drills in P.M.
Drew 3ds. Rth. HB. S. 6 [ ]
5ds. Beams 2 of Pork –
12th Read. Letter from Ed. Minor
from Hospital in Balt. Asking me to
help him get this descriptive list. Handed
it to Lt. Merse for Capt. Goodell
weigh with bolts, without [ ] 142 ½
Beers tried to a [ ] ran away.
13th Drew 40 lbs. Dried Apples 2 galls.
molasses – Lt. Rd. Being at (A…)
creek– I drilled 6 – A.M. in Skir
-mish drill- Deploying forward.
P.M. in Manuel, in (P…?) in
Canter marching(?) to change front.
L. Hastings + Hanks in hospital
No (Dep?) Parade- Read #1 from Mary
14th– Ground pretty day- no frost
Drilled A.M. + P.M.- No Day Parade
-Drew 1 days ration Pork-
Windy in P.M. + night.
Sent #23 to Mary
15th– Strong wind all night + to day, – I drilled 60
in A.M.- Drilled them in stacking
arms- had every man make the slack
-So windy in P.M. that Lt.Rd. cut the drill(?)