Category Archives: Robinson Diary

January 9-15 1863

Henry S. Robinson Diary, January 9th-18th 1863
Henry S. Robinson Diary, January 9th-18th 1863

9th Jan. Opp. Fredbg.
During the day, one of the 45th Pen. + one of
The R. battery men went across the river
in a boat, exchanged papers with the
[ ]  picket + on this way back. The
boat upsetting(?) and they were drowned.
– LA. Rol. returned to camp sick
– Guns not loaded- nothing impt.
Balloon up –

10th Returned to camp through
the woods- A few boxes came to
our 6 0/1 – Rain com. About noon
Read letter from M. Sawyer of the
5th mist.(?). No drills in P.M. or dep. Par.
Drew day R.S.6.+ one of Pork – to 12th

11th Sunday- Pleasant but mud
-dy- (?)

12th Pleasant- ground
frozen during night is
very sticky- I Drilled the 60/11
in A.M.- No drills in P.M.
Drew 3ds. Rth. HB. S. 6 [ ]
5ds. Beams 2 of Pork –

12th Read. Letter from Ed. Minor
from Hospital in Balt. Asking me to
help him get this descriptive list. Handed
it to Lt. Merse for Capt. Goodell
weigh with bolts, without [ ] 142 ½
Beers tried to a [ ] ran away.

13th Drew 40 lbs. Dried Apples 2 galls.
molasses  – Lt. Rd. Being at (A…)
creek– I drilled 6 – A.M. in Skir
-mish  drill- Deploying forward.
P.M. in Manuel, in (P…?) in
Canter marching(?) to change front.
L. Hastings + Hanks in hospital
No (Dep?) Parade- Read #1 from Mary

14th– Ground pretty day- no frost
Drilled A.M. + P.M.- No Day Parade
-Drew 1 days ration Pork-
Windy in P.M. + night.
Sent #23 to Mary

15th– Strong wind all night + to day, – I drilled 60
in A.M.- Drilled them in stacking
arms- had every man make the slack
-So windy in P.M. that Lt.Rd. cut the drill(?)


January 15-19 1863

Jan 15-19 1863 Robinson
Henry S. Robinson Diary, January 15th-19th 1863



15th Jan. Opp. Frdbg. (no sub. camps in sight
-After pull drilled went to R.R Station to see
if [ ] box had come- They are at
[ ]H.2. – went there- mine not come
(the 3 do….?)
Rain in night    Got sugar-

16th Rain ceased- wind still high
getting round to N. West- pretty cold
Orders to be ready to march a ton
early home tomorrow – Got 250 rounds
of Am. saved it out so each man has
60- Drew 1 days ration Fresh meat-
G.S. + H.B. also a little rice- 3 day Pork
making 3 ds. ration hand the 17th
Lyman H. Hastings died in hospital
7 PM. of fever- Sent letters to Capt Baily + Mother Maggie
G. Hubbard had [ ] parts.
Are #24 to Mary

17th– Buried L.H. Hastings under arms
-Lent #24 to Mary [ ], letter to Jr. G. Day
-Gold day- no drills- [ ] to go on
Picket tomorrow- Drew/ds rd. Pork. G.
[ ] and a few onions- Read #2 from Mary

18th Jan. Sunday- cold + frosty in morning
[ ] A.B+G formed line about 9 a.m.
1 sergt. + 30 of our men went with me to the
Reserve under Capt. Barker. – 6o(?) A with
us- the rest of 60(?) on the river-
4 of the 30 lbs. Rodman guns. Left during the
night- only a left- but there are (quaker?)
guns in there places of the ones sent away
-Rebs. throwing [ ] in the trench men + – on
the upper bbank of the river from the [ ]
we lay (13th [ ]) [ ] to the sun.
No camps in sight- Reb. preket(?) sent a Riche
paper of 17 [ ] on board. Phelps sent some
coffee across to them. Came up to camp + packed
[ ] chest- 60 Drew 2ds. Rtn. Salt Beef- one of Su.
G+HB+some potatoes + onions. –Everything quiet

19th Relieved 9 ½ a.m. Heard that our army
was going to commence R.L. this morn. + we were
to stay in front + act according to circumstances
-Didn’t drill. Went to Depot about Sunset
Planks + stringers for [ ] bridges are
being loaded from cars to army wagons-
60 Drew 1 ds. Rtn.


January 20-24 1863

Henry S. Robinson Diary, January 20-24th 1863
Henry S. Robinson Diary, January 20-24th 1863





20th Jan. Opp. Fredburg
Frosty + unpleasant + sun absent +
signs of snow- Drilled A.M. + P.M.
Had orderts to be ready at an early horn
tomorrow – Dreps Parade- Sen. Bods.
orders read- saying we should soon meet
the Enemy again- About 9 P.M. had
orders to form line at 3 A.M.
Drew today 1 Ds. Rtn. Salt Beef S.G+H.N.
[ ] raining 6 P.M.
Franklin+ Hookers (Din?)moving to the right

21st Called at 2- ready to form line at 3am
raining with strong N.E. wind
About 4 a.m. had orders to be ready at a
minutes notice0 Rain continued all day
-Know nothing of the other Grand Divs.
– Monday it was reported that we had the
preparations made for bridges both to the
Drew 1ds. Rtn. C.S. HB. + Salt Beef-
Read letter from Mrs. Perry- Answered it

 Thirty Two Years old Today

22nd– Rain continued till after noon
-Heard from Hooker+Franklin that they are
608 miles north East of us- (pontoon’s?)stuck
in the mud + no prospect of making any
move across the river- Dab of. [ ]
-Drew/ds.etn. S.G.HB. Pork + Whisky
-Lt.Rd. sent in quarterly setting of muskets
– [ ] G in on hands. 13 returned to Gd.
7 with Jewel nd Houghton– I lost by Beers-
15- 3 deserters and 2 unaccounted for for- lost by Capt.
3- have been turned our this month
Sent #25 to Mary- Rain ceased about noon
-But sun not out

23rd Rain over but cloudy-
Read. letter from J.R.- Nothing new
only that the forward movement is de-
layed. – Drew 1 ds. est. G.S.HB. + meat
Boys playing ball- man in GRA sat on a barrel

24th Cloudy- Artillery enemy back
Drew 1 ds. rtn. G.S.HB. Fresh. meat. 2 ds. ets.
beans-20 lbs. Dried apples. – no drills
Read letter from Mary(20th) + from D.M Rd
burn –

January 31- February 5 1863

Henry S. Robinson Diary, January 31st-February 5th 1863
Henry S. Robinson Diary, January 31st-February 5th 1863

31st Jan. Opp. Fredbg.
Snow still going- Had the regular
monthly inspection– Ltd. B. insp-
-ected all the Rest. – Lt. Morse took
comd. of 60 as Capt. [ ]  he was
away + Lt. Lucker sick- I went
to Depot to wait for Capt. Mt(?) he
came at 4 ½ PM  + says my boxes are
not at [ ] + have not been there.
60 drew 3ds. Rtn. G.S. + HB.

1st Feb. Pleasant day-
Lt.Rd. at [ ] Creek – Had
Bible [ ]    Drew 2ds. rtn. Meat
-No Inspection, serves on Dept. Parads
Lt. Rd. couldn’t find his trunk

2nd Order to get ready for Inspec-
-tion + Review at 10 a.m. – as had to leave to go to Washington
Payrolls came + signed them. Pay to
1st Nov. MIne is from 200 Sept. to 1st Nov.
-Drew 3ds. rtn rice, 60lbs. potatoes 2
1ds. rtn salt pork- Read letter from Mary 26th [ ] wrote to [ ]
#27 + to J.R. + to Mary Lawyer-Mary’s letter had .50 + 3 [ ]

3rd Feb. Cold morning a little snow fall
ing- Orders for Inspection at 9 ½ a.m. Formed line
-No Insp. but had Batt. drill with [ ]
Learned that Ex. boxes were at Station + went
down- can’t see mine. – Drew 3ds.Rtn. HB.S.
+6. -40 lbs. Onions. about 20 each of Beans + Rice
Soap – + 2ds.Rtn. Fresh beef- Coldest night of
the season- Strong Northerly wind- Water freeze
in the tent our [ ] nice with good fire in fire place

4th Wind went down but it was a
very cold night- the coldest we have had.
Lt. Rd. made his bunk beside mine.
Ex. Boxes at Case H.2. – Went there
3 Times- Weather moderating. Read letter from [ ] in [ ]
Dep. Parade. at 5. P.M.

5th Another very cold night- Snow
falling wind about N.East. Boxes came to [ ]
Drew some clothing- 3ds Rtn. meat. Sugar
Soft + Hard bread. Coffee. – Rumors of our
going to Fort [ ] [ ]– Rain after 3 P.M.
Goodwill + Fuller not paid
– Men got pay to first Nov. 62-



February 6-8 1863

Feb 6-8 1863 Robinson
Henry S. Robinson Diary, February 6th-8th 1863


6th Feb Opp. Fredbg.
Rain- Snow all gone. mud [ ]
– 6 9/11 drew rations of Bread, potatoes
Dried Apples. – (Recd.)of May, Holman
$63.85 being my pay from 2nd Sept.
to 1st Nov./62 – Sep $12 due Hall.
Paid Lt. Rd. $20.00 forward money
$30.40 [ ] bill to date being with
$10.00 paid in P.Valley. my hall of
the [ ] bill from 22nd Oct to date
I owe the Ord. 13.00. (Boy…?) 3.33+2.60+1= 7.15
My leave of Absence granted-
Went to Central Grand Dr. + get
[ ] + [ ] shall to sign it.

7th Started about 8 am
for a [ ] – left there
about 10 ½ for [ ] and
3 ½ P.M. – Got stamps for
ration for boxes on the mail
Stn. tomorrow- [ ]
18 [] + pkgs at [ ]
+ 39 at Adams-

7th Feb. Washington D.C.-
My boxes are not to be seen
Paid R.R. fare 15 supper 50+10+45=65
Capt Robinson 2 A.m,
at 6 SA. Washington
Pd [ ] 15
Stopped at Metropolitan
Had fire in room – finished #28
to Mary + wrote to B.R.S.

8th Called at 6.A.M. – Breakfast-
Paid board $2.50 – dinner on the boat
20+25- Supper 25+10=     3.30+.95=425
There were about 43 boxes pkg. Later
to the boat + 41 delivered to one at (Aquia?)
2 pkgs. mkd. [ ]. R. Howe + D. Hale
were stolen on the boat- one pkg.
mkd. M. Stone + boxes mkd. E. Chamber
-lain F. Roper + H. S. Woodward – I did
not see anywhere. (Adams)
The only boxes from (Harnden?) + GA
delivered to me at (Aquia?) were – one
for Capt. Draper 2 for Capt. Prescott one
for Ed. Chamberlain 2 for M.E. Stoeking
one for G. Mousley

February 8-12 1863

Henry S. Robinson Diary, February 8th -12th 1863
Henry S. Robinson Diary, February 8th -12th 1863

8th Feb. On the Potomac
The “Wilson Small” was loaded [ ]
deeply there was considerable [ ]
in the river, floating – not quite so much
however as yesterday, the trees were
bare so had good view of Mt. Vernon
Fort Washtn. has 40 or 50 barbette guns,
left Washtn. at 8am and at the Creek
about 1P.M. – Got my freight  off
through the Warehouse +loaded
go on the 6OClock train- arrd.
at Falmouth about 71/2 P.M.
– Guard put on the boxes
Read letter written from Mary written 2
on containing -stamps and change

9th Got trams and took boxes to
Camp + delivered them to the men
Gave $10 towards Col. Bowmans
horse- cost $300-
Wrote to Adams + [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] Col Presidentialwith
horse + in the evening a
Social meeting was held at
his Quarters

10th Opp. Fredbg – Wasin day
a great day of Ball playing in AM
Orelens came about 12 to get seen
to start in Formal Line about
2OClock- F.A.G. +H. G.+P.G.
Got started in Gass (?) about 4 ½ 
arrd at Cequia(?) creek about dark
Went aboard Str.(?) S. America
all of the 36th [ ] of 100th

11th Got under way about 7 ½ AM
Raw wind + finally rainy
Came to anchor about 8 Pull in
St. Mary’s river
Paid for breakfast + dinner 75

12th On board the S. America
Got underway about 6 ½ AM,
Foggy, drizzly, can’t see
anything on shore
[ ] #29 to Mary = just ½ in the
mail. After geting into the Bay
the weather cleared up + could
Chesapeake Bay



February 12-16 1863

Henry S. Robinson Diary, February 12th-16th 1863
Henry S. Robinson Diary, February 12th-16th 1863

Chesapeake Bay

12th Feb. On board Str. S. America
see a mile or more.
Came to anchor in the Roads after
dark ­–

13th Got underway about 9 AM
steamed(?) around nearly to the
landing in front of the Fort.
passed, near the [R… ], +
[ ] Point, passed the Firegate(?)
Minnesota which hailed us, IronClad Nahart(?)
+  several other Gunboats to the
Wharf at Newport News
Halted 2 or 3 hours in the intrench
-ments, then marched up the
James River 2 miles, past the
brick building intrenched, +
camped a quarter of a mile or
so from the river, on a Sandy
plain ­– Cut logs for a
house + had part of them [ ]
to Camp

14th Camp Nior Newport News
– Got our logs placed for house
the same as the one used on the
Rappahammock – Got on A lent + [ ] it
– Got letter from May
written the 8th

15th Sunday – rainy + warm
Went on Picket in rear of Camp –
– Pretty wet towards night + in first of
night. Read letter from Mrs. Peggy
+ R.H. Heywood.

16th Relieved by Camp Guards
Drew 2ds. rations meat, Bread. S + C
1ds. ration Rice, Potatoes + Onions
Candles                     Dep  Parade
Went down to the wharf + got a lot
of Equip. boxes for [R… ]. I got the one
sent by Kilbern the 20th Jan. shower
2 ½ long can 1 large + 3 small cans To. 2 bottle
ketchup 3 of Huckl. 2 cans Peppers 1can Jam
1 Pot Jam – 1 glass Jelly – Pickles + apples















February 16-21 1863

Feb 16-21 1863 Robinson
Henry S. Robinson Diary, February 16th-21st 1863


16th Feb. camp was(?) Newport News Va.
Wrote + sent #30 to Mary

17th North Easterly storm –
“Capt Bailey” came back – bring
-ing Lt. Rd’s trunk + a pkg. for
me – also letter of 12th from Mary

18th – Rain continues –
Wrote to Mrs. P. + #31 to Mary –
Drew 3ds. Ration S. + C. 60 16 potatoes ,
20 of Drd. apples, 1 ds. ration
Softbread –  2 ds. ration meat –
– 15 long candles – soap – + beans

19th – Rain in night – alone
off sunny day –
Drew soft bread –
Sent letter to Mrs. Perry
+ D.W.K. – recd. only
from Mrs. P. –
for [] A. tents + [] them
went to the wharf – got had (30?)

20th – Pleasant day – made
Bc shed – [] our A tent on
the stockade – Read letter from
Mary written 16th
Had Dep parade – Captain. out.
got them to go to Fort Mirror
for green – paid boot. Boynton $3.00

21st– pleasant- started for the land
by 7:20am Boat left wharf 8- 4
Fort Munroe (Gen Washington)
Went into the []- saw two-geo
Gounder Parrot guns- they are get
-ting ready to mount the union +
Lincoln guns- got some acorns
from the live oak trees- artisan
well [] abandoned- they had
an apparatus capable of making 2
galls water in  8 hours.-1000 in the part
Str. leaves Newport 8+1- leaves the
fort 10+4-leaves or Norfolk 10 1/2
4- [] office outside the fort

December 19-22, 1862

Henry S. Robinson Diary, December 19th-22nd 1862
Henry S. Robinson Diary, December 19th-22nd 1862

19th Decem. Opp. Fredbg.

Formed line at 9 AM, (cold morning) + marched
down to Washington place- left part of Reg.
there, on 60 with all the left wing were frosted
as reserve a half a mile on lefts behind the
11 gum battery of 20 + 30 lb. rifles.
The 30lbs. are said to be the heaviest we
have here- ground commenced thawing
+ was pretty muddy by sunset-
Pitched shelter tent, but couldn’t sleep
on of acct. of cold feet-Kept fire all night
Rebs(?) can be seen wandering over the battle
field + pickets are down to the (event?)
to the town. Can see the Earth-
works almost by the hundred. Can see
none of the Reb. night, where Frank-
lin Grand Jr.(?) fought- It looks
as if the Reb. right might have been turned
our whole Brig. on Pickett.
20th Turned about 10 AM + marched
back to camp- (P…?)about all back-
very cold day- ground frozen at noon.
Drew  3 days (?),  Beans, HB. G. S + Pork. 2(?)
of Rice- 2 gallons, (?)– 4 bars soap 20 long candles.

21st Dec. Off. Fred. Sunday

Drew 1 Gal. molasses, Reg.  Sunday (line…?)
melting in (b…?). (B…?) tent at 2 PM.
Services 3 ½ PM Rev. Mr. Bushing from Brooklyn
+ another Rev. from (Wor?) 60 took part-
Good meeting, short as it was cold-
LA. Rd. sick I look the 60 out-

22nd Ground froze- but weather
warmer- ground in many places
froze day. Went on Pickett 9am
6 (as?) K. G. + B. on the river from where
we cropped to half a mile below-
Our 60 on duty from 12 to 6 am of  23rd
-I was on from 3 to 6 visited the time
twice- (stopped?) part of time in house
by bridge rest in Washington house
– Got (P…?) of cherry tree from the garden
+ price of Jasper from back of house,
Rebs throwing up (?) (pits?) opp. where
the bridge (?) – worked till
1 am. (Dogs?) howling all night. House
burnt in City. Gum (aee.?) (d…?) by
one of 60 K- (Prescott?)- (?)

December 23-26, 1862

Henry S. Robinson Diary, December 23rd-26th 1862
Henry S. Robinson Diary, December 23rd-26th 1862


23rd Dec. App. Fredbg.

(Dee?) to the Engs.  acct. the Pontoon train
was all here by the 23rd of Nov. 340
boats in all. The bridge at (Boston?)
was thrown across in a day (63 boats) –
remained till ordered here– Came from
Wash. on land to (Oecognan?) then
to mind, it was launched + lowered to
Bell Plain. 19 Boats across the (raft?).
60 prisoners taken by our men at (Court.?)
Inspection by Gens.  Summer + Wilcol
Balloon went up. Law ord. Bup + Depton
of 15th They were in the fright but 606
lost none.
Boats came. I got pants, drawers
paper + envelopes. Stocking + gloves with
in Cap. (Boynton’s?) boat.
Drew 1ds. ration Fresh beef- 2ds. G.S.+H.B.
2 days beans 1 ½ rice- 2 galls. Vinegar 1 of (mollasses?)

24th Lent in carpet bag- part of the
strings that came in a boat to Capt. Bailey Bolt
by Rev. Mr. Cushing

24th Dec. Opp. Fredburg.
Pleasant Day + Made new (?) chest.
Christmas eve

25th warm + pleasant –
Had baked beans + soup for breakfast

Church Howe- Dr. off of May. (?). (?)
staff (mayor) was in tent
Drew. 3 days rations HB. Sugar, coffee
Pork + rice- about a half bushel of onions
+ 30 (ada…?) candles.
Martini, Coughlin+ J. Flag in (?) for
being absent for Roll call without leave.
M. H. Flag sent to hospital. Took hand off the 3 men
heard something that was said to be (?) off
towards Shot. C.H. about 8P.M.

26th Drew 2 days rations beans.
Policed camp. Made new (s..?) 6oz
B + G. have one together. Sent wires
for clothing (33prs. pants 40 (?))
William cut 30 sticks for new hut.
Finished mending socks.