27th Dec. Opp Fredburg,
Tore down the old house + made
a new one of round bags- matched
at one corner- leaving a door into
the back room- Got it up + was
tired. Orders to go on (Picks?)
tomorrow – finished + sent
#20 to Mary, recd. one from her
of 22nd.
28th (C?) Pleasant morning-
76os(?) went on Picket 6os G. of K. at
the river- near Washington Farm.
I went on duty at river at 12
midnight – (heard?) a good deal
of noise over the river – like hammer-
ing lumber or something of that
sort- Heard teams moving +
men shouting. Gen. Burnside down
near the Rodman (batting?)in PM.
29th Found this morning that
the rifle (?) (?)had
been extended nearly to R.R. Bridge.
29th Relieved + came to camp about
10 ½ a.m. Balloon up-
Heard something like firing up the
Put the walls + roof of back room
– did not complete the house-
Drew for 60 3 days R. HB– 2 of Sugar
1 of Fresh beef – 2 of 3 of 6.
– At work on (Muster?) Rolls-
Word about 8 Pull that we shall
more tomorrow
30th – At work on Muster Rolls.
Capt. Moww wrote them all – we
Sat up till 12 mid. to finish them
Should (?)between Capt. 1st (?)
1st + 2nd 2nd + 1st Sept 1st + 2nd Sept. (all
these to be worked I) – Other spaces as we
have made them- Warm + Pleasant
31st Mustered in by Cpt. Welch –
All our men but Taylor marked present
Appearance of troops mkd. not very good
25th Jan. Opp. Fredbg.
Sunday No rain but cloudy-
No services – no inspection–
Went to R.R Station to look for boxes
-found none. Bot 25 cts. worth of apples
embalming costs 25 dol.s for private coffin line
with 2 costs 25d. – Can be sent in common one.
26th Clean day- mud drying up
No drills Dep. Parade- 43th had Bat.
drill + 100th had D.P. 60 drew 3/2 lb potatoes
– Gen. Burnside turned over the command of
the Army to Gen. Hooker- Gen. Summer is said
to have resigned + Gen. Franklin roved.
Read letter from B.R.S.
Borrowed of [ ] $5.00
27th [ ] went on a Picket- I
stayed in Camp- went to Station.
to see about [ ] – Corp. Davids’
[ ] came- Sent letter to Ms. Win
-chester + H26 to Mary – Drew 2 DS. Rtn.
H.B.S. + G.
Rained nearly all day
Paid summer Goodman 60 cts.
28th Snowing at day light N.E. wind
60 came in from [ ] pretty wet +
about used up- had some Coffee for
them + Lt. farm shed 2 gals. whiskey
Sent letter to B.R.S- Drew 1 Ds. Rts
Fresh Beef- Snowing all day –
Gave Capt. [ ] an order on Adams
Express 60 for my two [ ].
29th Snowing till about Day light – Sun
out all day- Six inches of heavy snow on ground
in morning – Melted very fast-
60 drew 2ds. Rtn. G.S.H.B.Beams- 60 lbs Potatoes
Had good snow ball- Sent letter to R.H. Haywood
30th Snow melting fast- Put a bar
on top of our chimney- Drew 3ds. rtn.
of meat- one of fresh beef + one of salt P.
-Light just out at tops 8 ¼ P.M.
Got letter from Mother [ ]
+ her husband.
Major Barke went home- [ ] had is
granted- On [ ]
– [ ].
16th Feb. camp was(?) Newport News Va.
Wrote + sent #30 to Mary
17th North Easterly storm –
“Capt Bailey” came back – bring
-ing Lt. Rd’s trunk + a pkg. for
me – also letter of 12th from Mary
18th – Rain continues –
Wrote to Mrs. P. + #31 to Mary –
Drew 3ds. Ration S. + C. 60 16 potatoes ,
20 of Drd. apples, 1 ds. ration
Softbread – 2 ds. ration meat –
– 15 long candles – soap – + beans
19th – Rain in night – alone
off sunny day –
Drew soft bread –
Sent letter to Mrs. Perry
+ D.W.K. – recd. only
from Mrs. P. –
for [] A. tents + [] them
went to the wharf – got had (30?)
20th – Pleasant day – made
Bc shed – [] our A tent on
the stockade – Read letter from
Mary written 16th Had Dep parade – Captain. out.
got them to go to Fort Mirror
for green – paid boot. Boynton $3.00
21st– pleasant- started for the land
by 7:20am Boat left wharf 8- 4
Fort Munroe (Gen Washington)
Went into the []- saw two-geo
Gounder Parrot guns- they are get
-ting ready to mount the union +
Lincoln guns- got some acorns
from the live oak trees- artisan
well [] abandoned- they had
an apparatus capable of making 2
galls water in 8 hours.-1000 in the part
Str. leaves Newport 8+1- leaves the
fort 10+4-leaves or Norfolk 10 1/2
4- [] office outside the fort